Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a great way to look better and feel better. The patient pictured here hated his teeth his whole life.

Believe it or not, pictured below is the same patient after treatment!

You can tell by the spotty and dark brown teeth at the far right of the picture, all the way in the back: that was how all his teeth looked before his smile makeover. 

With a combination of bleaching and cosmetic crowns, the patient went from hating his tooth color, spacing and alignment to loving them in just four appointments.  His wife says he never used to smile, but now he can't stop. The video below shows how we used cutting-edge software to plan these computer-fabricated crowns to ensure an ideal result:

If you wish your teeth were whiter, straighter or more uniform, we're here to help. Modern dental materials and techniques are capable of some truly amazing things, and most of our patients are amazed at how inexpensively they can be done.  Whether it's tooth whitening, Invisalign to straighten teeth, high-tech veneers, or some combination of these, we have solutions for every budget.  Even bonding and white fillings can create beautiful results for patients with chipped or discolored teeth, sometimes with no drilling!

 If you can't wait to look and feel better Call us today at (718) 268-1561, or request a consultation.